目的探讨临床护理路径在切口妊娠行介入治疗过程中的临床应用。方法将2017年6月~2018年3月入住本科的86名切口妊娠患者分为对照组40名行常规的入院护理,临床护理路径组46名,制定临床护理路径,通过对护理人员的专科临床路径的培训,实施临床护理路径护理,比较2组护理方法患者术后疼痛、焦虑、发热以及穿刺点渗血等并发症发生率和患者满意度。结果临床护理路径组在术后疼痛、焦虑、出现渗血显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05),病员的4次满意度调查中均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。结论切口妊娠行介入治疗临床已广泛开展,相关的护理措施相对滞后,制定标准性的护理措施将对治疗和护理有积极的作用,临床值得推广应用。
Objective To explore the application of clinical nursing pathway in the treatment of caearean scar pregnancy. Methods 86 patients of caearean scar pregnancy from June 2017 to March 2018 was divided into two groups,40 patients was the control group,the group of clinical nursing pathway included 46 patients. The incidence of complications as postoperative pain,anxiety,fever,errhysis and patients' satisfaction with nursing were compared between the two methods. Results The complications of the group of clinical nursing pathway were lower than the control group( P < 0. 05). There was a significant difference between the two groups in patients' satisfaction( P < 0. 05),the scores of the group of clinical nursing pathway was higher. Conclusion Caearean scar pregnancy has been widely carried out,but the relevant nursing measures was behind,the development of standardized nursing measures has a positive effect on treatment and nursing,which is worth promoting and applying.
clinical nursing pathway
caearean scar pregnancy
interventional therapy
clinical application