

A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Sheng Sheng Man from the Perspective of the Theory of Optimization of the Target Language
摘要 "发挥译语优势论"是许渊冲先生的重要翻译理论之一,在古诗英译领域享有盛名。其主张译者在翻译过程中不能拘于原文的内容和形式,而应该利用好的译语表达方式,最大限度使译文能在风格和美感上和原作相媲美甚至超越原作。作为李清照的经典词作之一,《声声慢》以清新的语言和真挚的情感抒发了词人遭国破家亡后悲伤凄苦的心情。以许渊冲的"发挥译语优势论"为指导,从意境再现、音韵美感两个层面对《声声慢》的杨宪益和许渊冲两种英译本进行对比分析,指出译者在宋词的英译过程中不能对原作亦步亦趋,而应该发挥译文语言优势优化原作,这样才能向读者传递原文的风格和艺术魅力。 As one of Xu Yuanchong’s translation theories,the Theory of Optimization of Target Language enjoys a high status in the field of Classical Chinese poems translation. As far as the theory is concerned,the translator should not be subject to the constraint of the source text in form and content,instead,he or she should make use of the good expressions of the target language so as to make the translated text can rival or even surpass the source text in style and aesthetic. Sheng Sheng Man is one of the classic lyrics composed by Lin Qingzhao,the famous female lyric writer in Song dynasty,which depicts the writer’s sorrow and melancholy with fresh language and sincere emotions since the split of the family and the rival.By taking Optimization Theory as the guide,the paper aims to make a comparative study of Yang Xianyi and Xu Yuanchong’s versions of Sheng Sheng Man from the aspects of reflection of artistic conception and rhythmic beauty. It is pointed out in the paper that the translator should not be fully subject to the source text in the translation of Song Lyrics,instead,he or she should optimize the source text by making use of the good expressions of the target language thereby conveying the style and artistic charm of the source text to the target readers.
作者 周方衡 ZHOU Fang-heng(Foreign Languages Department,Guangdong Polytechnic College, Zhaoqing 526100,Guangdong,China)
出处 《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第1期35-39,94,共6页 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 广东理工学院2017年"创新强校工程"科研项目"宋词许译研究"(项目编号:GKJ2017045)
关键词 发挥译语优势论 声声慢 英译本 风格 Theory of Optimization of Target Language Sheng Sheng Man English version style
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