北斗区域导航系统相比GPS系统在亚太区域服务更具优势,针对气象参数具有时空特性问题,本文探讨了亚太区域2小时分段线性ZTD、附加8小时水平梯度参数和附加24小时水平梯度参数三种对流层参数估计模型对GPS/BDS组合定位的影响。数据结果表明,2小时分段线性ZTD和附加24小时水平梯度参数模型更稳定,特别是当数据质量较差时,该模型可减小定位结果在高程方向的系统性偏差,平均提升量级约1.1 cm(20%)。因此,建议在亚太区域BDS/GPS组合定位中采用。
The BeiDou regional navigation system has more visible satellites than the GPS in the Asia-Pacific region.Considering the time and spatial characteristics of meteorological parameters,the paper analyzed the different impact of the three troposphere parameter models,2-hour piecewise linear ZTD,additional 8 hour horizontal gradient parameters,and additional 24-hour horizontal gradient,on BDS/GPS combined PPP in the Asia-Pacific region.The results show that the 2-hour piecewise linear ZTD with the additional 24-hour horizontal gradient parameter model are more stable than others,especially when a period of data with poor quality is used,the systematic deviation of the hehght-direction can be reduced by about 1.1cm(20%).Therefore,it is recommended to use in the BDS/GPS combined positioning in the Asia-Pacific region.
Sun Peng(Surveying Department of Xinjiang Hydroelectricity Institute of Surveying and Designing,Changji 831100,China)
Urban Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying