
基于ABAQUS的TC4合金切削变形区有限元仿真 被引量:1

Finite Element Simulation of TC4 Alloy Cutting Deformation Zone Based on ABAQUS
摘要 在不同的切削速度和平面应力应变厚度下,对工件切削变形区的温度和切削力进行了研究。基于弹塑性有限元理论建立TC4合金的二维有限元模型,运用ABAQUS有限元分析软件对TC4合金进行了弹塑性仿真分析。通过分析工件切削变形区的温度变化云图和切削力变化曲线可知:切削速度的变化对工件切削变形区的温度影响较大,平面应力应变厚度影响较小,切削力随着平面应力应变厚度的增加而变大。 The effects of different cutting speeds and plane stress-strain thickness on the temperature and cutting force of the workpiece deformation zone is studied.Based on the elastoplastic finite element theory,the two-dimensional finite element model of TC4 alloy is established.With nonlinear finite element analysis software ABAQUS,the elastoplastic simulation of TC4 alloy is carried out.By analyzing the temperature cloud diagram and the cutting force curve of the workpiece deformation zone,it is found that the cutting speed has a greater influence on the temperature of the workpiece deformation zone while the plane stress strain thickness has a smaller influence on it.And the cutting force becomes larger as the thickness of the plane stress and strain increases.
作者 陈广鹏 江京亮 马长城 郭可涛 Chen Guangpeng;Jiang Jingliang;Ma Changcheng;Guo Ketao(School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering,Qingdao University of Technology,Qingdao,Shandong 266520,China)
出处 《工具技术》 2019年第2期51-55,共5页 Tool Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51605240 51705272 51775289) 泰山学者专项资金(ts201511038)
关键词 切削速度 平面应力应变厚度 温度 切削力 cutting speed plane stress strain thickness temperature cutting force
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