
P2P网贷借款人信用风险预警研究 被引量:5

Research on Credit Risk Early Warning of P2P Online Lending Borrowers
摘要 近年来,P2P网络借贷行业信用风险日益凸显,"倒闭潮""跑路潮"屡见不鲜,在造成出借人资金损失的同时,也影响了P2P网络借贷行业的健康发展。P2P网络借贷借款人信用风险的形成,一方面与网络借贷借款人违约有关,如借款人无力履约还款、借款人恶意违约;另一方面与网贷平台对借款人信用风险的防控能力较弱有关,如P2P网络借贷平台信贷管理流程不完善、未建立有效的P2P网络借贷借款人信用风险预警系统等。为更好地推动P2P网络借贷平台健康发展,对借款人信用风险早识别、早预警,并加以有效防范,可构建主要包括输入防范要素、风险预警、风险防范、预警结果输出四部分运行内容的P2P网络借贷借款人信用风险预警系统。该预警系统的运行可分为查找造成网络借贷借款人信用风险的各种原因、得出借款人当前信用风险状态、针对预警系统发出的预警信号采取适当措施防范借款人信用风险、通过危机处理产生成功或失败两种不同结果等四个步骤。而为保障P2P网络借贷借款人信用风险预警系统的顺利运行,还需要加强借款人贷后风险监控,建立借款人信用风险预警信息库,构建复合型、专家型信用风险防范管理人才队伍。 In recent years,the credit risk of the P2P online lending industry has become increasingly prominent.The“downturn tide”and the“running tide”are common occurrences,causing the loss of lenders'funds and affecting the healthy development of the P2P online lending industry.On one hand,the causes of the credit risk of P2P online lending borrowers are related to borrower’s default,including the borrower's inability to repay and the borrower's malicious default;on the other hand,they are related to the online lending platform’s poor ability to prevent and control the credit risk of borrowers,including the imperfect credit management process of the P2P online lending platform,and the establishment of an effective P2P online lending borrower credit risk early warning system.To better promote the healthy development of P2P online lending,it is urgent for us to establish the early warning system to identify and prevent credit risk.Considering the borrower’s credit risk involving in P2P network loan,we can construct an early warning system to control P2P network loan borrower’s credit risk,which includes prevention factors,risk warning,risk prevention and early warning result output.The operation process of the early warning system includes four steps such as finding the credit risk of the network loan borrower,obtaining the current credit risk status of the borrower,taking appropriate precautionary measures against the early warning signal issued by the early warning system to prevent the credit risk of the borrower,and obtaining the result of“success”or“failure”.In order to ensure the smooth operation of the credit risk early warning system for P2P online lending borrowers,we should also strengthen post-lending risk monitoring,establish a credit risk warning database,and cultivate more professionals with both comprehensive and special knowledge.
作者 全颖 敬然 QUAN Ying;JING Ran(Changchun University of Finance and Economics,Changchun,Jilin130122,China)
机构地区 长春财经学院
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期120-128,共9页 China Business and Market
基金 吉林省教育厅"十三五"社会科学研究规划项目"吉林省农村电商精准扶贫对策研究"(JJKH20190413SK)
关键词 P2P网络借贷 借款人 信用风险 预警 P2P online lending borrower credit risks early warning
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