Based on his three theories of totemism,this paper aims to analyze Frazer's preliminary thoughts on totemic society and his later modifications in response to new evidence from the tribes of Central Australia provided by Baldwin Spencer and F.J.Gillen.Frazer's theory exhibits a tendency towards magic and thought with a focus on ethnographic data from the Arunta totemic group,a typical totemic group in Central Australia.The results show that the law of contagion applied in explaining Arunta totemism helped Frazer establish his third theory about totemism as metonymy.This contrasts with Levi-Strauss whose theory of totemism is that it should be constructed as metaphor.When Frazer published Totemism in 1887,he did not intend to develop a theory,although when he was organizing his materials,certain clues emerged between the lines.He regarded totemism as both a religious and a social system,and the two systems seemed inseparable.In Frazer's description,the concept of totemism as a religious system was mainly based on the belief in the magic power of the totem.This consisted of respecting totemic animals and plants and totemic taboos,as well as the integration of men with their totems.This is seen especially by the representation of the totem on one's body and putting the clan mark on other precious properties.This later was taken by Durkheim as evidence for totem worship.Frazer insisted that the relationship between a man and his totem was mutually beneficial,whereas Durkheim believed that the sacredness of the totem has its origin in society which is represented by the collective conscience.In addition,Frazer considered initiation ceremonies as rituals which admitted the novices into clan life.This led Durkheim to build a connection between society itself and the totemic symbol.In Frazer's description,totemism as a social system consists of three parts.These include the blood feuds shared by clansman,exogamy and inheritance of the totem,of which exogamy is the main part.At that time,Frazer regarded these aspects of t
MiaoYulu(Institute of Sociology and Ethnology,Minzu University of China,Beijing,100081,China)
Journal of Ethnology