
滚筒式沼渣好氧发酵反应器中试装置设计与性能试验 被引量:4

Design and performance test of aerobic fermentation rotary reactor pilot plant for biogas residue
摘要 针对沼渣好氧发酵反应器存在制肥周期长、水分脱除难等问题,该研究设计了一种滚筒式沼渣好氧发酵反应器中试装置,包括原料预处理、好氧发酵、生物除臭以及反应器控制单元。根据生物学及热力学原理,设计了好氧发酵滚筒、曝气系统等关键部件。该反应器内置3种类型抄板,盛料腔体容积为500 L;曝气采用"变频供风-可控加热-扇形布气-分段曝气"技术;集成生物除臭系统和反应器控制系统。通过好氧发酵性能试验并经物理、化学和生物学指标综合评价,结果表明,实现沼渣快速制肥,高温期持续7d,连续发酵15d后即可达到无害化和腐熟要求,油菜种子发芽指数达到90%,含水率降至30%以下。该研究为沼渣制肥装备产业化应用奠定基础。 Biogas engineering based on anaerobic digestion is an important engineering way for the resource utilization of agricultural wastes (i.e. straws, livestock and poultry manure) and plays an important role in promoting the circulative agriculture. How to achieve the effective resource utilization of the digested biogas residue is important for the operation of biogas engineering. Composting is a crucial way to accomplish the harmless, reduced and resourceful utilization of biogas residues and widely applied to the treatment of manure and wastewater in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Reactor composting, with the advantages of shorter composting period, smaller area, easier automation control and lower secondary pollution, has been widely used for the waste treatment in large-scale CAFOs. However, the technique of reactor composting still needs to be improved, for its remaining defects that may cause insufficient aeration, difficult water removal and low degree of intensification of composting stuff, which restricts its application for biogas residue composting. In this study, a pilot aerobic fermentation rotary reactor with the volume of 500 L for the integrated biogas residue composting was designed to meet the demand of rapid composting treatment of biogas residue. The aerobic fermentation rotary reactor for biogas residue was mainly composed of raw material pretreatment, aerobic fermentation, biological deodorization and reactor control unit. The rotary copying board was improved, including pushing material copy board, parallel copy board, and blocking material copy board. The ventilation system was improved by “frequency conversion air supply-controllable heating-fan-shaped cloth gas-sectional aeration” technologies. An automatic control system for the designed reactor has been developed; the biogas residue pretreatment and biological deodorization technology were integrated in the designed reactor. Based on the organic matter degradation model and the moisture removal model, the ventilation
作者 程红胜 隋斌 孟海波 沈玉君 王健 匡常贵 Cheng Hongsheng;Sui Bin;Meng Haibo;Shen Yujun;Wang Jian;Kuang Changgui(Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100125, China;Key Laboratory of Technology and Model for Cyclic Utilizationfrom Agricultural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第24期224-231,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家"十三五"重点研发计划项目"农业废弃物厌氧发酵及资源化成套技术与设备研发"(2017YFD0800800)
关键词 发酵 装置 设计 沼渣 滚筒式 好氧发酵 反应器 fermentation equipment design biogas residue rotary aerobic fermentation reactor
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