As one of the methods of palliative care,aromatherapy has been applied gradually in clinical nursing work in China in recent years.Through aromatherapy,terminal cancer patients can get not only relieves of physical symptoms,but also spiritual relaxation and peace,thus have improved quality of life at the end stage.In this paper,we report in detail about how aromatherapy was applied for symptom control in a cancer patient with unknown primary malignancy and multiple metastasis and its effects on the terminal life of this patient.
As one of the methods of palliative care, aromatherapy has been applied gradually in clinical nursing work in China in recent years. Through aromatherapy, terminal cancer patients can get not only relieves of physical symptoms, but also spiritual relaxation and peace, thus have improved quality of life at the end stage. In this paper, we report in detail about how aromatherapy was applied for symptom control in a cancer patient with unknown primary malignancy and multiple metastasis and its effects on the terminal life of this patient.
supported by the Educational Reform Project of Peking Union Medical College(2015zlgc0120)~~