利用多源遥感数据、野外调查数据以及地理国情普查数据,通过内业判读与外业核查进行银川市贺兰山东麓非煤矿山环境监测。通过此次监测,查明了监测区三期土地利用、矿山压占、破坏土地以及矿山恢复治理状况。通过数据对比得到监测区各土地类型年变化率、相互转化度,综合已获取的数据进行演化分析,并以监测区植被覆盖率和矿山恢复治理率为评价要素,对监测区非煤矿山环境质量进行了评价。结果表明,2005~2016年,监测区的植被覆盖率在11 a间持续降低,这对监测区的环境质量是不利的。非煤矿山的恢复治理率在逐年上升,但同期矿山破坏、压占土地也在增长,破坏和治理的不同步导致矿山环境质量进一步下降,直接对监测区的环境造成不利影响。
Based on the multi-source remote sensing data,field survey data and geographical conditions census data,we used internal interpretation and field verification to monitor the non-coal mine environment of the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Yinchuan City,and carried out the situation of land use,mining occupation,land destruction and mine environmental recovery and rehabilitation in monitoring area at each interval.And then,we obtained the annual gradient and degree of conversion land type by comparing the three phase of data.Taking the vegetation coverage rate and the mine recovery and rehabilitation rate as the evaluation factors,we evaluated the environmental quality of non-coal mine in the monitoring area.The result shows that the vegetation coverage of the monitoring area continues to decrease in 11 years from 2005 to 2016,which is detrimental to the environmental quality of the monitoring area.The recovery rate of non-coal mine is increasing year by year,but the destruction of the mine and mining occupation in the same period is also increasing.Because the disruption and rehabilitation are not synchronized,the quality of the mine will be further degraded,which will adversely affect the environment of the monitoring area.
Geospatial Information
non-coal mine
geographical conditions census
land use
evolution analysis
environmental quality assessment