During the 1940s and 1950s,transistors and integrated circuits(IC)were invented in the United States.After that,Japan introduced the related technologies from the United States and developed electronic products such as transistor radios and IC calculator,which had promoted the development of Japan’s semiconductor industry.As for the reasons for its fast development,Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry carried out effective policy guidance in supporting private enterprises for the introduction and digestion of American advanced technology,and implemented strict protection for the Japanese IC industry in the 1960s.Japanese semiconductor technologic experts,skilled workers and business operators worked together and had great cooperation in rapidly catching up with American advanced technology,On the industrial basis,Japan rapidly built up an entire industrial chain consisting of Japan’s independent IC industry,IC manufacturing equipment industry and IC materials industry.In the twenty-first century,Japan has made effort in maintaining its industrial strength through accelerating the structural reform and cultivating new technological fields.
Japanese Studies