
有偏型技术进步、产业结构变迁和中国要素收入分配格局 被引量:156

Directed Technical Change, Industrial Structural Transformation and Factor Shares in China
摘要 劳动收入占比下降已成为当前世界各国的普遍现象,现有文献多从发展中国家尤其是转型经济体产业结构变化视角考察要素收入分配格局。然而,若将其用于解释同一时期发达国家产业结构趋稳环境中劳动收入占比的下降问题,解释力和普适性则明显不足。基于此,本文从技术进步方向入手,构建两部门模型演绎有偏型技术进步对要素收入分配的双重效应:一是产业内技术进步偏向性会非对称地影响要素边际产出,改变要素收入分配格局;二是产业间技术进步方向变化,会诱致要素跨部门流动和重新配置,推动产业结构变迁,进而形成对劳动收入份额的影响。再结合供给面标准化系统法和我国三次产业数据,测算有偏型技术进步及其对要素收入份额的影响。结果显示,在劳动收入份额变化分解的产业效应和结构效应中,有偏型技术进步均发挥重要作用,多数时期约1/3—1/2的劳动收入份额变化可以归结于有偏型技术进步作用的结果;并且,有偏型技术进步的作用表现出阶段性特征,在1996—2002年期间,有偏型技术进步通过结构效应改变劳动收入份额,而其他时期则主要通过产业效应发挥作用。 A decline in the labor share is occurring in many countries.The literature studies the factor distribution of income from the point of view of industrial structural changes.However,the theory of structural change has its limitations.For example,in recent years,China s labor share has not continued to decrease,instead increasing from 2004.The theory of structural change cannot explain this reversal in China s labor share.We develop a two-sector model with an agricultural sector and a non-agricultural sector.This model provides insights into directed technical change by letting us explore the determinants of factor share changes and investigate the influences of directed technical change on the structural effect and industrial effect in factor share changes jointly.Using a normalized supply-side system,this paper combines data from three industries from 1978 to 2012 to estimate the directed technical change in each industry.Applying the decomposition framework,we analyze directed technical change s contribution to structural effects and industrial effects and explore the drivers of the change in the labor share.The results show that(1)there are two forces,directed technological change and factor structure,that determine the industrial effect of the change in the labor share;the direction and extent of this effect depend on the elasticity of substitution between the two factors and a distribution parameter.At the same time,directed technical change across sectors,by influencing the relative technical efficiency of two factors,motivates factor mobility and reallocation between sectors,resulting in the transformation of the sectoral structure and generating the structural effect in the change in the labor share.However,there is a threshold for this impact.When directed technical change in the agricultural sector is less than the threshold,it has a positive influence on the structural effect;when directed technical change in the non-agricultural sector is greater than the threshold,it has a positive effect.(2)Directed
作者 王林辉 袁礼 WANG Linhui;YUAN Li(School of Economics,East China Normal University;School of Business,Hunan Normal University)
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期115-131,共17页 Economic Research Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"要素与技术耦合视角下技术进步偏向性的形成机理 路径转换和跨国传递机制研究"(71573088) 国家社会科学基金重点项目"新常态下我国经济增长动力转换和新增长点培育研究"(15AZD002) 国家社会科学基金重点项目"供给侧结构性改革下东北老工业基地创新要素流动集聚与空间结构优化研究(17AZD009)
关键词 有偏型技术进步 产业结构 劳动收入份额 Biased Technical Change Industrial Structure Labor Share Factor Distribution of Income
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