After the Melamine Incident,China..s milk industry chain remodeling policy can be summa.rized as“large-scale farming+high concentration of dairy processing+milk enterprise as the core of vertical integration”.But,not only the vertical connection between dairy processing enterprises and dairy breeding enterprises is still fragile,and but also the controversies are waged on the complete ver.tical integration characterized by milk enterprise managing their own dairy farms.Based on the proposi.tion of GHM model,ownership should be given to an important or indispensable party,and milk enter.prises as the core of the vertical integration does not meet the requirement of the law of resource alloca.tion.In China,market and policy factors lead to China..s dairy industry chain in a passive“non-merger”state.The vertical integration policy,centered on milk prices,further limits the external options of dairy breeding farmers.The market forces between the farmers and the milk market,the market entry rules and the unequal choice of the object of the transaction make their bargaining power further unbal.anced.The consequence of the distortion of resource allocation is the further deterioration of the distri.bution of benefits of dairy farmers in the industrial chain.Besides,China..s dairy farming industry will be slowed down,losing international competitiveness.The Chinese government should protect the development of domestic aquaculture enterprises through technical standards,keep the milk industry selfbuilt milk source behavior neutral,support the development of the scale of the family dairy farm,im.prove the degree of dairy farmers organization,cancel the administrative barriers to the processing of milk enterprises,and create possibilities for integration with farmers as the core.
MA Yanli;HE Sujiao;Gao Yan
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)