针对田间灌溉试验的处理和水平设置有限,影响因素众多,且人力与物力成本较高等问题,该文提出了基于田间观测与数值模拟结合的灌溉制度分析方法,研究了疏勒河流域畦灌条件下的辣椒耗水特性与灌溉制度。结果表明,疏勒河流域现行灌溉制度下的辣椒全生育期耗水量为456.76 mm,各生育期作物日均耗水强度的大小排序为:膨大期>坐果期>开花期>成熟期>苗期;现行灌溉制度下作物水分胁迫和深层渗漏均较为严重。寻优后提出疏勒河流域辣椒适宜的畦灌灌溉制度为:灌溉次数9次,灌水间隔为30 d与15 d两种,每次灌水定额45-80 mm不等,灌溉定额525 mm。实践中可结合具体气候条件和土壤水分监测情况加以调整。
In order to overcome the barriers on conducting field irrigation experiments including limited number of treatments and level setting,a large number of influencing factors as well as the high cost of human and material resources,this paper establishes an irrigation scheduling analysis method through combination of field observation and numerical simulation.The method was applied to analyze the water consumption characteristics and irrigation scheduling of pepper under the condition of border irrigation in the Shule River Basin.Field observations included soil volumetric moisture content,crop plant height,meteorological data,and soil physical parameters.The Hydrus-1D model was adopted in the method to simulate the water movement process during crop growth period.The calibration and verification of the model were conducted by using data of measured soil volumetric moisture content in the first and second half of pepper growth period,respectively.RMSE(root mean square error)and RMSD(root mean square deviation)were used to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the model.RMSE reflected the average degree of absolute error between the simulated value and the measured value.RMSD was the standardization of RMSE,and reflected the degree of deviation between the simulated value and the measured value.The calibrated and validated model was used to analyze the water consumption law of the crop growth process,and numerical experiments of the irrigation scheduling scenario were conducted to find the better irrigation scheduling with minimum water stress and deep percolation.The amount of water stress was defined as the cumulative amount of soil water content less than 60%of field capacity in the maximum root layer.The results of the method application showed that the total water consumption of pepper during the whole growth period was 456.76 mm under current irrigation scheduling.The ranking of average daily water consumption intensity was swelling stage>fruit setting stage>flowering stage>maturity stage>seedling stage.Th
Jiang Guangyu;Wang Zhongjing;Shang Songhao;Deng Jianwei;Sheng Caihong(Department of Hydraulic Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;State Key Laboratory of Plateau Ecology and Agriculture,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China;Gansu Research Institute for Water Conservancy,Lanzhou 730000,China;Shule River Basin Water Resources Administrative Bureau of Gansu Province,Yumen 735211,China)
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering