舰载机着舰时将对拦阻系统产生很大的冲击载荷,风险极高,需要评估舰载机拦阻系统特性;建立大型非标舰载机拦阻系统试验台是验证舰载机拦阻系统特性的重要方法;以前的试验台多采用电机驱动形式,存在难以达到预期的加载力及速度的问题,该系统改用液压泵站加蓄能器作为动力源的试验台,解决了高速液压缸的测控问题;该系统采用了RTOS (Real Time Operating System)实时操作系统(以下简称RT),运用上下位机模式及Labview编程语言,实现了试验台液压缸高速运动控制,以及液压缸在大速度大载荷下的稳定控制;设计的系统实现对拦阻索施加0~900kN连续可调的加载力,0~9m/s连续可调的滑行速度,100°~180°连续可调的角度;试验结果可为舰载机拦阻系统中拦截索的特性评估提供数据支持。
There will be a great impact load on the arresting system when the carrier aircraft landing the ship,and the risk is extremely high.the characteristics of the aircraft arresting system must be estimated.The establishment of a large non-standard test stand for arresting system of the carrier aircraft is an important method to verify the characteristics of aircraft arresting system.In order to solve the problem of motor driving in the former test stand,hydraulic pump station and hydraulic accumulator are used in this design.The problem of measuring and controlling of high speed hydraulic cylinder is solved.In this system,the RTOS(real time operating system)、the mode of host computer and slave computer and the programming language of Labview are used to realize the high-speed motion control of the hydraulic cylinder.The stability control of hydraulic cylinder under large speed and load is realized.The system is designed to apply a continuous adjustable loading force from 0 kN to 90 kN,continuously adjustable sliding speed from 0 m/s to 9m/s,and continuously adjustable angle from 100°~180°.The test results can provide data support for the evaluation of the characteristics of aircraft arresting system.
Jiao Gang;Li Yajing(Xi'an Yuanfang General Aviation Technology Development Company Limited,Xi'an 710089,China;Chinese Flight Test Establishment,Xi'an 710089,China)
Computer Measurement &Control