
政府数据开放发展速度指数研究——基于我国省级政府数据开放平台的评估 被引量:17

Open Government Data Development Velocity Index:a Research Based on Assessment of Provincial Open Government Data Portals in China
摘要 [目的/意义]政府数据开放作为国家发展战略之一,已在全球范围掀起浪潮。评估政府数据开放发展速度有助于政府数据开放更高效地开展。[方法/过程]研究基于政府数据开放平台跨时间纵向发展视角,从开放程度提升度、更新频率兑现提升度、用户利用提升度3个维度建立政府数据开放发展速度评估体系;接着选取5个省级政府数据开放平台,分别于2017年3月和2018年3月爬取平台数据,进行数据清洗和统计分析,得到政府数据开放发展速度指数;最后,结合中国开放树林指数,进行政府数据开放发展态势分析。[结果/结论]研究发现5个省级政府数据开放平台发展速度指数从高到低依次为广东(245.54%)、贵州(54.83%)、上海(44.48%)、北京(19.70%)、浙江(4.72%),从政府数据开放发展态势来说,广东和贵州属于潜力平台,上海和北京属于成熟平台,而浙江属于非健康平台。 [Purpose/Significance]As one of the national development strategies,open government data(OGD)has set off a global wave.Evaluating the devlopment speed of OGD will help conduct OGD efficiently.[Method/Process]An open government data development velocity evaluation system(OGDDVES)was established based on OGD platforms across time longitudinal perspective.OGDDVES investigated the improvement degree from three dimensions:degree of openness,update frequency fulfillment,degree of user utilization.Then,five provincial OGD portals were selected,and data were collected in March of 2017 and 2018 respectively.With data cleaning and statistical analysis,open government data development velocity index(OGDDVI)was calculated.Lastly,we analyzed OGD development status combined OGDDVI with China Open Data Index.[Result/Conclusion]The research found that OGDDVI of five provincial OGD portals from high to low are Guangdong(245.54%),Guizhou(54.83%),Shanghai(44.48%),Beijing(19.70%),Zhejiang(4.72%).From the perspective of OGD development status,Guangdong and Guizhou are potential platforms,Shanghai and Beijing are mature platforms,and Zhejiang is unhealthy platform.
作者 沈晶 韩磊 胡广伟 Shen Jing;Han Lei;Hu Guangwei(School of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023;Government Data Resources Institution,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期156-163,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"电子政务服务价值共创机制及实现模式实证研究"(项目编号:71573117) 江苏省"六大人才高峰"项目"政务大数据资源开发技术与实现方法研究"(项目编号:2015-XXRJ-001)课题的研究成果之一
关键词 开放政府 数据开放 政府数据 评估体系 发展速度指数 open government open data government data evaluation system development velocity index
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