不久前,一场有关智能和未来的盛会在巴渝大地举行。资深律师和重庆造机器人的PK,能自动避让行人或障碍物的汽车,可以智慧照明和智能发电的“智慧能源小镇”……场馆内外,一个个神奇得令人眼花缭乱。前面说的这些,都可以用一个词来概括:人工智能。人工智能,英文名称Artificial Intelligence,英文缩写AI。关于AI的定义是什么,现实世界里众说纷纭。AI的未来又会是什么,各种说辞更是五花八门。不过归纳一下,大约逃不脱两大类:助推器,或者掘墓人。助推器者,AI是人类突破自我、迈向更高层次的推手,是我们在解放自我的不断尝试中给自己炼制的一粒灵丹妙药,是人类打通任督二脉的那股气,脱胎换骨的那种神,凤凰涅槃的那把火。借由AI,我们可以实现人类千万年来梦寐以求的那种自由。掘墓人者,顾名思义,AI是人类走向灭亡的灰暗之路,是先给予我们希望最后让我们绝望的恶魔,是我们饮鸩止渴的那口药。我们制造出的这个人类最大的惊喜和骄傲,也最终将被其埋葬。
Not long ago,a grand event about intelligence and the future was held in Chongqing.Senior lawyers are PK with the Robots made in Chongqing,such as cars that can automatically avoid pedestrians or obstacles,"smart energy towns"that can smartly lighting and intelligently generate electricity...inside and outside the venue,there are one after another dazzling scenes.All of the above mentioned can be summed up in one phrase:artificial intelligence.“人工智能”was called Artificial Intelligence in English,abbreviated to AI.What is the definition of AI?Opinions vary in the real world.And what is the future of AI,the opinions are even more varied.However,in summary,it can't escape two major categories:boosters,or gravediggers.The reasons for deeming it as booster are AI is a pusher for human beings to break through ourselves and move to a higher level.It is a panacea for us to refine ourselves in the constant attempt to emancipate ourselves.It is the Qi(power)of human beings to break through the governor and conception vessels,the spirit to thoroughly remould ourselves,as well as the fire of nirvana of phoenixes.With AI,we can realize the freedom that mankind has dreamed of for thousands of years.
Chongqing Today