专为位于阿斯滕的面包原料供应商Backaldrin所设计的PANEUM面包博物馆顾客信息中心及活动场地包含两个部分:门厅所在的方盒子基座和具有流动形态的双层展示空间面包博物馆(Wunderkammer des Brotes)。建筑使用的材料使这两个部分的对比变得更加强烈:盒子的部分使用了现场浇筑的混凝土立面,而面包博物馆的圆形木结构则有着不锈钢材质的饰面。
The Customer Information Centre and Event Forum PANEUM–Wunderkammer des Brotes-for the company Backaldrin in Asten consists of two elements:a box shaped plinth building with foyer and event rooms plus the"Wunderkammer des Brotes",a two storey freeform exhibition area floating on top.The chosen materials augment the contrast of these two elements:The square base building shows a cast-in-place concrete fa?ade while the rounded wood structure of the museum is clad with stainless steel shingles.
Urbanism and Architecture