Toona ciliate,which belongs to Toona of Meliaceae,is a rare and native timber species in China.However,little progress has been made in the cultivation of Toona ciliate.The height and diameter at breast height of Toona ciliata were assessed for fertilization cultivation techniques aged 1 year.Analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences on height among different treatments and replicates and the difference on diameter at breast height among different replicate was also significantly.Treatment with 200 g urea(N>46.5%)+60 g superphosphate(P2O5>12.0%)+100 g potassium chloride(K2O>60.0%)could improve the height and diameter at breast height of Toona ciliate.In summary,more fertilizer could not always improve the growth traits and the site location could affect the growth significantly,therefore more test trials should be carried out before diffusion.