
足月孕妇应用球囊宫颈扩张器配合人工破膜引产的疗效观察 被引量:4

Effect of Balloon Dilatator Combined with Artificial Rupture of Fetal Membrane on Induction of Labor in Term Pregnant Women
摘要 目的对球囊宫颈扩张器配合人工破膜引产应用于足月孕妇的临床疗效观察。方法选择2015年10月~2017年3月在我院产科住院并应用一次性球囊宫颈扩张器促宫颈成熟共计372例足月孕妇为研究对象,随机将其分为实验组及对照组,每组186例。实验组给予人工破膜术+缩宫素引产,对照组给予缩宫素引产。两组放置球囊宫颈扩张器后宫颈Bishop评分、第一产程、顺产率、剖宫产率、引产失败率等对比分析。结果两组放置球囊宫颈扩张器后宫颈Bishop评分高于放置球囊宫颈扩张器前,实验组第一产程短于对照组、顺产率高于对照组、剖宫产率低于对照组,对照组引产失败率高于球囊组,对比均具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。实验组及对照组产后出血量、新生儿Apgar评分、新生儿窒息发生与宫内感染发生无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论球囊宫颈扩张器可明显促进宫颈成熟,球囊宫颈扩张器配合人工破膜术引产成功率高,剖宫产及引产失败率降低,且不增加胎儿宫内窘迫、新生儿窒息率及宫内感染率,是安全有效的。 Objective To observe the clinical curative effect of balloon dilator combined with artificial of fetal membrane on induction of labor in term pregnant women.Methods From October 2015 to March 2017,a total of 372 full-term pregnant women were admitted to our hospital and used a single balloon dilator to promote cervical maturation.They were randomly divided into experimental group and control group with 186 cases in each group.The experimental group was given artificial rupture of membrane+oxytocin induced labor,and the control group was given oxytocin induced labor.The Bishop score,the first stage of labor,the rate of labor,the rate of cesarean section and the failure rate of induced abortion were compared between the two groups.Results The two groups of cervical dilator balloon placement of cervical Bishop score higher than the balloon placement cervical dilator in experimental group before the first stage of labor was shorter than the control group,the birth rate was higher than the control group,the cesarean section rate lower than the control group,the control group induced a higher failure rate than balloon group,compared with statistical difference(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the amount of postpartum hemorrhage,neonatal Apgar score,neonatal asphyxia and intrauterine infection in the experimental group and the control group(P>0.05).Conclusion Balloon cervix dilator can promote cervix maturation obviously.The successful rate of induction of labor by balloon cervix dilator combined with artificial membrane breakage is high,the failure rate of cesarean section and induced labor is decreased,and fetal distress,neonatal asphyxia rate and intrauterine infection rate are not increased.It's safe and effective.
作者 何焕玲 HE Huan-ling(Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Suzhou Jiulong Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School,Suzhou 215000,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2018年第4期87-89,共3页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 球囊宫颈扩张器 人工破膜 宫颈成熟 Balloon dilator Artificial rupture of membrane Cervical maturity
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