
千年之变:一种西欧封建社会解释的兴衰 被引量:1

The Mutation around the Year 1000:The Rise and Decline of a Paradigm of Interpretation about the Feudal Society in Western Europe
摘要 "千年之变"或"封建变革"是由乔治·杜比率先阐发,经P.图贝尔和P.博纳西等人发展的一种关于西欧封建社会生成与演变的解释模式。这一模式改变了传统的封建社会诞生的年代学,将西欧封建变革的关键时期放在公元千年前后到11世纪中期;认为封建制度的产生是加洛林国家解体、公共权力蜕变为领主私人统治权的结果;在封建化造成的暴力和混乱之中,传统的社会关系被重构并形成新的社会阶层。20世纪的最后10年中,这种变革论受到多方面的批评,批评者强调千年之变是对当时新的书写文化的误读;千年前后的社会演变不是与加洛林秩序的突然断裂;变革派关于封建混乱的理解,是透过现代政治的棱镜观察中世纪而产生的误解。 The mutation around the year 1000 or the“Feudal Mutation,”first elaborated by Georges Duby,then developed by Pierre Toubert,Pierre Bonnassie,and others,is an interpretation of the formation and evolution of the feudal society in Western Europe.This interpretation challenges the traditional chronology of the formation of feudal society,and places the critical moment of transition between the years around 1000 to the mid eleventh century;it maintains that the formation of feudal society was the consequence of the disintegration of the Carolingian State and the degradation of public power into private power held by chatelains;and among the violence and disorder caused by feudalization,new social strata emerged from the old social relationships.During the last decade of the twentieth century,this mutation thesis was challenged in many aspects.The critics argued that the social mutation was a misreading of the new writing culture of the time;the social evolution then was not an abrupt rupture of the Carolingian order;and the idea of feudal disorder was a mistake that originated in observing medieval society through the prism of modern politics.Nevertheless,as a paradigm of interpretation,the thesis of mutation of the year 1000 contains some persuasive elements that remain illuminative for the study of medieval historical phenomena from the tenth to thirteenth century.
作者 黄艳红 Huang Yanhong
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期48-64,158,159,共18页 Historiography Bimonthly
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"<法国大通史>编纂"(项目编号:12&ZD187)的阶段性成果
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