
微波无源遥感有效载荷现状与发展 被引量:7

Current Status and Future Development of Microwave Radiometer
摘要 针对微波无源遥感有效载荷这一卫星有效载荷中发展最早、最成熟的子领域,对从20世纪60年代至今,世界范围内在轨与在研共17个具有代表性的载荷产品进行了研究。综合分析了微波无源遥感载荷在气象、海洋、陆地、大气环境及深空微波遥感等应用领域的发展现状,归纳出无源微波遥感有效载荷向定量应用、功能复合、主被动一体、体制混合、太赫兹探测等方向的发展趋势。总结了我国与欧美发达国家在系统应用水平、反演处理能力、关键部组件性能、研发条件等方面存在的差距,提出了后续发展静止轨道毫米波亚毫米波探测仪、一体化微波成像探测仪、太赫兹冰云探测仪、L波段土壤湿度微波探测仪、亚毫米波临边探测仪、行星探测仪等载荷的设想。 Microwave passive remote sensing is the earliest and the most mature area in the aspect of satellite payload.Seventeen representative radiometers in the world since 1960s have been studied on the basis of current status of radiometers applied in meteorology,ocean,land,climate and environment,deep space,etc.The development trends in the directions of quantitative application,multifunction,passive and active integration,hybrid design,THz band detection and hundreds of channels detection are concluded in the paper.The gaps between China and developed European and American countries in the aspects of system application level,data retrieval,key components,integration and measurement system are summarized.The idea of developing geostationary orbit millimeter and sub-millimeter wave sounder,microwave imager/sounder,THz wave ice cloud sounder,L-band soil moisture microwave detector,sub-millimeter wave limb sounder,planetary microwave sounder and other payloads in the future is put forward.
作者 姚崇斌 徐红新 赵锋 谢振超 赵永涛 YAO Chongbin;XU Hongxin;ZHAO Feng;XIE Zhenchao;ZHAO Yongtao(Shanghai Aerospace Electronic Technology Institute,Shanghai 201109,China)
出处 《上海航天》 CSCD 2018年第2期1-12,共12页 Aerospace Shanghai
关键词 微波无源遥感 气象微波遥感 海洋微波遥感 陆地微波遥感 大气环境遥感 深空探测 太赫兹探测 精细谱段探测 radiometer meteorological microwave remote sensing ocean microwave remote sensing land microwave remote sensing climate and environment microwave remote sensing deep space microwave remote sensing THz detection hundreds of channel detection
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