
中加基岩地质填图与三维地质建模合作交流经验与启示 被引量:3

Experience and enlightenment of cooperation in bedrock mapping and three-dimensional geological modelling with Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Canada
摘要 区域地质填图工作向三维地质调查和建模发展是各国地质调查机构关心的热点,为此中国地质调查局与加拿大萨斯喀彻温省地质调查局开展了为期3年的三维地质调查技术交流合作。基于加拿大萨省北部前寒武纪地区的实地填图工作和三维地质建模技术交流,详细介绍了加方从项目部署、资料收集、野外工作、成果表达等进行基岩地质填图的工作方法和在此基础上开展三维地质建模的技术要点。萨省地质调查局以问题和需求为导向开展填图工作,在人员安排、数据管理和软件平台建设方面充分考虑地质填图-三维建模的连贯性,注重信息公开共享以服务社会,相关经验值得学习借鉴。 The development of regional geological mapping to three-dimensional geological survey and modelling is an issue of great concern to the geological surveys worldwide.Therefore China Geological Survey(CGS)and Saskatchewan Geological Survey(SGS)have carried out a 3-year cooperation in 3-D geological survey.Based on the field bedrock mapping work in the Precambrian area of northern Saskatchewan and the exchange of 3-D geological modelling techniques,the paper introduces the complete process from project arrangement,data compilation,fieldwork and cartographic representation in regard to bedrock mapping,and also the procedures and techniques of 3-D geological modelling.Saskatchewan Geological Survey carries out their geological mapping aiming at key geological problems and meeting social demands,takes full account of consistency of developing from geological mapping to 3-D modelling in personnel organization,data management and software platform construction,and pays particular attention on information sharing to serve the public.All of these experiences are worth learning for us.
作者 张颖慧 Morelli Ryan 郭磊 王涛 管烨 ZHANG Yinghui;MORELLI Ryan;GUO Lei;WANG Tao;GUAN Ye(Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China;Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy,Saskatchewan Geological Survey,Regina S44 3Z8,SK,Canada)
出处 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期314-324,共11页 Geological Bulletin of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<恒山地区TTG质片麻岩深熔作用与钾质花岗岩成因的相平衡研究>(批准号:41402056) <基于深反射地震资料探讨扬子古陆块和华夏古陆块元古代碰撞造山带>(批准号:41404070) <中蒙边界东南段晚中生代挤压-伸展构造的空间展布 转换过程和时限>(批准号:413700114) 中国地质调查局项目<冀东铁矿矿集区三维地质结构与深部资源评价>(编号:12120114026901) <内蒙东南部地区三维地质调查应用示范>(编号:DD20160125)
关键词 基岩地质填图 三维地质建模 加拿大 萨斯喀彻温省 bedrock mapping three-dimensional geological modelling Canada Saskatchewan
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