为解决GPS轨迹数据动态可视化效率低下问题,本文通过引入LOD(Level Of Detail,LOD)技术从海量轨迹中提取能够代表原始数据的空间特征点,保留原有空间分布特征,压缩数据量。现有LOD模型构建算法虽压缩了数据量,但时间复杂度高,不能显著提高可视化效率。本文提出了一种基于四叉树的点LOD构建算法。实验表明:本文提出的点LOD算法与基于Voronoi图的点LOD算法相比,具有时间复杂度低,LOD构建速度快,无符号压盖等优点。
To address the challenge to visualization of GPS trajectory data,this paper integrates Level Of Detail(LOD)technology into GPS data visualization in order to improve visualization efficiency while maintaining visualization quality.Although the existing LOD algorithms compress the quantity of GPS Data,it cannot significantly improve the visualization efficiency because of high time complexity.This paper proposes a quadtree-based point LOD algorithm.Experiments shows that the quadtree-based point LOD algorithm has lower time complexity,higher performance and better visualization quality than the widely used Voronoi-based LOD algorithm.
SUN Zechang(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.,LTD.,Wuhan 430061,China)
Software Engineering