

On Yan Zhitui's Idea about Traditional Linguistics and Methods of Studying Confucian Classics
摘要 本文探讨了颜之推的小学主张及治经方法。在音义之学勃兴时代,颜之推重视文字音韵训诂之学,提出以小学为本、音义为用的主张,强调不仅知其然,而且要知其所以然,重视《说文》《字林》《广雅》《韵集》等小学著作的研读。南北朝大量俗字不断产生,面对用字混乱的现实,颜之推提出以随代损益、约定俗成作为解决问题的原则。他认为在严肃写作、著书立说之时,仍然应选用接近《说文》所收的字体,官方文书、普通书信用字应当随俗。他本着通变的用字原则,承认正字和俗字各自有各自不同的用途。在治经方法上,颜之推主要继承了经古文学家解经的方法,具体来说,即是通过对经文字词的正确训释来达到"明练经文"的目的。 The essay discusses Yan Zhitui's traditional linguistics ideas and methods of studying Confucian classics.In the flourishing era of sound and meaning,Yan Zhitui attached great importance to exegesis of text and rhyme.He held that traditional linguistics be taken as roots and sound-meaning be used,he also emphasized that learners should not only know what it was but also know the whys and wherefores,and that Shuowenjiezi>Zilin,Guangya,Yunji and other works of traditional linguistics should be read.During the North and South Dynasty,a large number of folk characters were per-petually produced.Faced with the reality of the word chaos,Yan Zhitui put forward the view of advancing with the times,and following the convention as a principle to solve the problem.He believed that serious writing,such as writing books,should still choose to use the approximate font collected by Shuowenjiezi and official documents,ordinary written message should follow the crowd.He was in line with the principle of changing the word,and admitted that both the standard character and the folk character should be used for different purposes.Yan Zhitui inherited the main method of ancient litterateur,that is,through the correct word interpretation of Confucian classics to achieve the purpose of study.
作者 赵祥延 ZHAO Xiang-yan(School of Chinese Language and Literature , Northwest Normal University , Lanzhou 730070, China)
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期85-92,共8页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
关键词 颜之推 小学主张 治经方法 Yan Zhitui idea about traditional linguistics methods of studying
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