3Martin Schulz, "Britain's European Home", Project Syndicate, January 16, 2013, http://www. project-syndicate, org/commentary/the-case -against-the-uk-leaving-the-eu -by-martin-schulz. 被引量:1
4UK House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee - Sixth Report Global Security: UK-US Rela- tions, http://www, publications, parliament, uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/crnfaff/114/114, pdf. 被引量:1
5Loulla-Mae Eleftheriou-Smith, " David Cameron Pledges Referendum on EU even if Attempts to Reform Brussels' Power Fails", The Independent, May 11, 2014, http: //www. independent, co. uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron- pledges-referendum -on-europe-even -if-attempts-to-reform-brussels-power-fails- 9350870. html. 被引量:1
6Bruno Waterfield, "David Cameron's Plan to Save Britain from the EU's Clutches: Will It Work?" The Telegraph, November 8, 2009, http: //www. telegraph. co. uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/6521619/David-Ca- merons-plan-to-save-Britain-from-the-EUs-elutches-will-it-work. html. 被引量:1
7David Cameron, "EU Speech at Bloomberg: On the Future of the EU and the UK's Relationship with It", Prime Minister's Office, London, January 23, 2013, www. gov. uk/government/speeches/eu-speech-at- bloomberg. 被引量:1