
基于cpDNA序列分析不同生境芦苇种群的遗传结构 被引量:3

Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Phragmites australis Populations in Different Habitats Based on cpDNA
摘要 芦苇(Phragmites australis)是禾本科多年生植物,是生态幅极广的世界性物种之一。在长期适应不同生境的过程中,从形态到遗传产生了高度分化,形成种内丰富的生态型。芦苇自然种群遗传结构的研究有助于丰富进化遗传学理论并推动其在物种保护和生态恢复方面的应用。基于3个叶绿体DNA(cp DNA)的片断(rpl16,mat K和trn L-F)对我国东北、西南和黄河中上游地区的水生和旱生芦苇的7个种群共96个个体进行遗传结构分析。结果表明旱生芦苇种群的遗传多样性为0.702,基因流为0.904;水生芦苇种群的遗传多样性为0.826,基因流为0.431。种群水平的遗传多样性为0.814,其中有49.0%的变异存在于种群之间,相对比较高;芦苇种群的基因流为0.520。虽然种群水平和物种水平的基因流都小于1.0,但这并不影响其物种的稳定性和遗传多样性,推测可能与芦苇的繁殖方式和种群数量庞大有关。 Phragmites australis is perennial plant belonging to family Gramineae, and a species with very wide ecological amplitudeworldwide. The phenotype and genetics of this plant highly differentiate and produce abundant ecotypes within species during longterm adaptation to different habitats. Research on the spatial genetic structure in natural populations is important for both theoreticalaspects of evolutionary genetics and their application in species conservation and ecological restoration. In this study, 7 populationsincluding 96 individuals on wetland and dryland in northeast, southwest and middle-up stream of yellow river were analyzed for thegenetic structure based on the molecular marker rpl16, matK and trnF of chloroplast genomic DNA. The results indicated that thegenetic diversity and gene flow of P. australis populations in dryland were 0.702 and 0.904, respectively, in contrast, that in wetlandwere 0.826 and 0.431, respectively. The genetic diversity on the population level was 0.814, in which the high variants of 49.0%existed among populations and the gene flow of P. australis species was 0.520. Although the gene flow of the population level andspecies level was less than 1.0, the species stability and genetic diversity were not affected, suggesting that it was related to thereproductive strategy and massive populations of P. australis.
作者 李毳 LI Cui(Department of Environment and Economic, Shanxi University of Financial and Economic, Taiyuan 030006, China)
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1315-1319,共5页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2012-059) 中国清洁发展机制基金赠款项目(1213116)
关键词 芦苇 生态型 叶绿体DNA 遗传多样性 基因流 Phragmites australis ecotype chloroplast DNA genetic diversity gene flow
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