

“Translation” and “Taoism”
摘要 《道德经》是我国道家文化的经典。作为开篇之笔"道可道非常道,名可名非常名"传达出思维、语言、表达之间的内在联系,和翻译有共通之处。这篇文章对"道"进行研究,从"道"与"译"的关系入手,尝试从另外一个角度对"译"及有关"译"的问题做出解答,并将翻译研究上升到文化层面,用文化的多样性丰富翻译的内涵,从而更好地认识翻译的本质以指导翻译实践。 When people make a research on translation, firstly they should solve several basic questions related to translation, i.e., whether a literary work can be translated, how to translate, and how to assess the result of translation. These questions also belong to the central issues which have been debated in the translation circle for a thousand years. Tao Te Ching is the cultural classic of Chinese Taoist school. As the beginning sentence, “The divine law can be known, but it may be not the law well-known to you; things may be named, but names are not the things” expresses the inner connections between thoughts, languages and expressions and has some common points with translation. In this way,proceeding from the relationship between “Taoism” and “translation”, this paper makes a research on “Taoism”, tries to answer the questions of “translation” and the issues related to “translation” from another angle and elevates translation study to the cultural level, and enriches the meaning of translation with cultural diversity. As a result, with the help of this paper, readers can have a better understanding of the nature of translation. A better understanding of translation can guide the practice of translation.
作者 路斯琪 LU Si-qi(French Department, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610000,China)
出处 《河北民族师范学院学报》 2016年第4期125-128,共4页 Journal of Hebei Normal University For Nationalities
关键词 道可道非常道 名可名非常名 文化视角 translation “The divine law can be known, but it may be not the law well-known to you things may be named, but names are not the things.” Taoism cultural approach
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