科技数据管理和共享是长期困扰科技界的难以解决的重大问题 ,最近几年科技部组织了“调研组” 展开全面调研 ,采取了有力措施推进此项工作的进展。本文就我国在科技数据管理与共享服务领域所取得的最新进展 ,向各位科技工作者和各级管理部门通报 ,以引起更为广泛的关注和支持。
The problem of managing and sharing science data has been puzzling scientific and technological circles for a long time. The 'survey group' organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology have deployed overall investigation in recent years, and have taken powerful measures to advance the work. It is reported in this paper about the new process of science data managing and sharing work. We are looking forward to bring a broad attention and sustainment through the paper.
World Sci-Tech R&D