非洲国家的民族建构经历了十分复杂甚至痛苦的过程。正是这种痛苦的经历使非洲人民逐渐认识到 ,民族冲突不仅影响到国家的发展与人民的生活 ,也是对既定社会秩序和民主政治的威胁。国家强盛需要统一的民族 ,民族建构因此成为很多非洲国家的重要任务。在民族建构的过程中 ,众多非洲政治领袖选择社会主义作为官方意识形态 ,对促进民族一体化起了重要作用。乌贾马运动对坦桑尼亚民族建构的贡献更是功不可没。
Nation-building in African countries experienced a highly explicated and even painful process. However,it is this very process that makes African people come to know that ethnic conflicts will not only affect the development of a country and the living of its people, but also menace social order and democratic politics. The prosperity of a country needs a united nation, so nation-building becomes an important task for many African countries. During the course of nation-building, many African political leaders chose socialism as official ideology, which attributed much to the national integration.
West Asia and Africa