对全玻璃真空管太阳集热器给大型四连栋蔬菜温室冬季供暖进行实验研究 ,在集热器面积与温室面积为 1∶6 ,温室热损系数为 8 37W /m2 ·℃条件下 ,保持温室内温度在 5℃左右 ,在 2 0 0 0年 12月中旬以前和 2 0 0 1年 2月中旬以后期间 ,温室外日最低气温在 - 4℃以上时 ,太阳能主动和被动供暖能够维持室温 ,无需燃油炉供暖 ,平均太阳能主动供暖率达 2 6 % ,12月中旬到第二年 2月中旬期间需太阳能和燃油炉联合供暖 ,由于此间气温较低 ,平均太阳能供暖率约为 10 %。
An experimental study on solar heating for a large greenhouse using all-glass evacuated tubular collectors was carried out in winter. The roof of greenhouse consists of four arcs. The heat loss coefficient of green-house is 8.37 W/m2&bull°C. The ratio of the solar collector area to the greenhouse area is 1:6. The daily lowest ambient temperature was above -4°C before the middle of December 2000. After the middle of February 2001, the solar active heating together with the solar passive heating could keep the indoor temperature about 5°C without oil heater, and the average solar fraction was 26%. Between the middle of December 2000 and the middle of February 2001, the solar collector system with oil heater with an average solar fraction of 10%.
Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica