由于普通光学和荧光显微镜功能上的限制以及缺乏良好的染色方法 ,我们对于呼吸道感受器形态方面的认识进展缓慢。缺乏对感受器结构的认识 ,阻碍了对其基本生理活动的探讨。随着共聚焦显微镜的产生与图像处理技术的进展 ,不但提高了对荧光结构的分辨率 ,还可通过三维重组而展现微小物体的整体结构。本文阐述了一种新颖方法 ,利用上述技术并结合免疫组织化学方法 ,采用Na+ /K+ ATPase作为标记 ,对家兔呼吸道感受器进行了观察。本文中经过处理的气道组织结构 ,背景清晰 ,感受器部位着色强。观察到的整个感受器 ,结构复杂 ,呈树枝状 ,感受器末梢膨大 ,形成叶片状。本文首次以高清晰度展示了呼吸气道中单个感受器的整体结构 ,改变了需要以手绘来刻画感受器的现状。无疑 。
Pulmonary vagal afferents provide some of the most important breathing control inputs to the respiratory center. However, the structure of vagal receptors is not yet well known. Lack of an available and effective method to identify pulmonary receptors is the major limiting factor. Here we describe a new approach using confocal microscopy to examine the structure of immunohistochemically stained airway receptors by using Na +/K + ATPase as a marker. This method permits detailed observation of pulmonary receptor structures and their relationship to target tissue in the rabbit. The parent axon has multiple branches that supply the receptor structure. Each structure has multiple endings that form leaf like terminals. This technique permits examining pulmonary receptor structures in detail, and should assist in identifying the morphology of the receptors and the mechanisms of receptor activation.
Acta Physiologica Sinica
ThisworkissupportedbygrantstoYU,JfromAmericanLungAssociation (CI 18N)andNationalInstitutesofHealth (HL 5 872 7)