碟式分离机转鼓在工作时 ,转鼓内的物料以及转鼓自身的质量在离心力作用下 ,会在转鼓各个部件内产生很高的应力。由于转鼓复杂的几何特性和各部件间的接触作用 ,所以很难确定应力分布情况。本文考虑锁环对鼓体施加的预紧作用 ,利用ANSYS有限元软件对转鼓进行应力分析 ,在计算过程中 ,利用接触单元模拟锁环、鼓体、顶盖、活塞之间在真实情况下的相互作用 ,最后对锁环进行了详细的应力分析。在分析过程中 ,利用APDL语言进行二次开发 ,解决了AN SYS软件不能直接施加呈二次型分布压力的问题。
Due to the complex nature of geometry and the contact interaction presented in parts of a latex separator, it is difficult to make certain the actual stress distribution with classical methods. In this paper, a realistic 2\|D axisymmetric finite element model of a latex separator, consisting of an upper cover clamped to a bowl by a lock ring, is modeled by ANSYS. In analysis, a pretightening force is applied on the bowl and contact element is used to model the interaction between each part. APDL programming language is also used to put the centrifugal pressure on the bowl's inner surface and make the load step very easy.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology