对 10例成人新鲜尸体标本的缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣、阔筋膜张肌蒂髂骨瓣完整解剖分离 5 cm,然后经右侧股动脉灌注墨汁福尔马林混合液 ,再在手术显微镜下仔细解剖 ,观察缝匠肌肌蒂髂骨瓣、阔筋膜张肌蒂髂骨瓣在髂骨附着处 1cm内墨染动脉的数目 ,并测量其外径 ,计算平均动脉外径及动脉横截面积总和 ,最后对各肌肉蒂在髂骨附着处 1cm内动脉横截面积总和进行比较。结果 :缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣、阔筋膜张肌蒂髂骨瓣以及缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌双肌蒂髂骨瓣在髂骨附着处 1cm内动脉横截面积总和的中位数 (Md)和四分位数间距 (OR)分别为 :0 .0 85 1(0 .0 2 84 ) mm2、0 .0 831(0 .0 4 2 7) mm2、0 .16 73(0 .0 94 7) mm2。经统计学处理 ,缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣、阔筋膜张肌蒂髂骨瓣分别与缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌双肌蒂髂骨瓣在髂骨附着处 1cm内动脉横截面积总和均有显著性差异 (P=0 .0 0 0 1) ,而缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣与阔筋膜张肌蒂髂骨瓣在髂骨附着处 1cm内动脉横截面积总和无显著性差异 (P=0 .15 6 )。因而认为缝匠肌、阔筋膜张肌双肌蒂髂骨瓣比缝匠肌或阔筋膜张肌单肌蒂髂骨瓣有更多的血液供应。
The iliac bone flaps with sartorius or tensor fasciae latae in 10 fresh cadavers of adults were separated intactly with the muscle pedicles 5cm long,then the mixtures of ink and formalin were poured into these cadavers through femoral arteries on the right,and then all the muscle pedicles were anatomized,the quantities of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedices with the length of 1cm were abserved and the cxternal diameters of these arteries were measured with the help of microscope The mean external diameters and the total crosscut areas of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedicles with the length of 1cm were calculated separately In the end,the total crosscut areas of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedicles with the length of 1cm were compared among pedicled iliac bone flaps with sartorius,with tensor fasciae latae and with both of them The results showed the medians and the interquartile ranges of the total crosscut areas of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedicles with the length of 1cm of pedicled iliac bone flaps with sartorius,with tensor fasciae latae and with both of them were 0 0851(0 0284)mm 2,0 0831(0 0427)mm 2 0 1673(0 0947)mm 2,respectively There were significant differences in the total crosscut areas of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedicles with the length of 1cm between pedicled iliac bone flaps with sartorius or tensor fasciae latae(P=0 0001) However,there was no significant difference in the total crosscut areas of inked arteries in proximal muscle pedicles with the length of 1cm between pedicled iliac bone flaps with sartorius and ones with tensor fasciae latae(P=0 156) This suggests blood supply of pedicled iliac bone flap with both sartorius and tensor fasciae latae is more than that of any one of pedicled iliac bone flaps with sartorius or with tensor fasciae latae
Shandong Medical Journal