Both parallel and staggered plate fin arrays have shown promise for use inhigh performance heatsinks regard of its individual manufacturing costs. The geometrical andoperational parameters are very important to their cooling performance as heatsinks in practicalapplications. Fluent 5.0 commercial CFD (computational fluid dynamic) code is used to simulate theflow and heat transfer of those heatsinks of different realistic parameters. Based on thosesimulations, two correlations, concerning Nusselt number and friction factor as the functions ofgeometrical and operational parameters, FB (fin-base area ratio), PR' (ratio of spanwise pitch tolengthwise pitch) and Re, were developed. From the both, the performance comparisons for optimizinggeometrical and operational parameters of a fixed dimension heatsink are shown at constant pumpingpower and constant thermal resistance. Several optimized parameters were obtained can out performthe staggered ones.
Both parallel and staggered plate fin arrays have shown promise for use inhigh performance heatsinks regard of its individual manufacturing costs. The geometrical andoperational parameters are very important to their cooling performance as heatsinks in practicalapplications. Fluent 5.0 commercial CFD (computational fluid dynamic) code is used to simulate theflow and heat transfer of those heatsinks of different realistic parameters. Based on thosesimulations, two correlations, concerning Nusselt number and friction factor as the functions ofgeometrical and operational parameters, FB (fin-base area ratio), PR' (ratio of spanwise pitch tolengthwise pitch) and Re, were developed. From the both, the performance comparisons for optimizinggeometrical and operational parameters of a fixed dimension heatsink are shown at constant pumpingpower and constant thermal resistance. Several optimized parameters were obtained can out performthe staggered ones.
supported by China Scholarship Council(CSC).