通过对黄淮海平原 3种主要土壤饱和导水率的研究 ,结果表明 :3种土壤的饱和导水率在 5 .95×1 0 - 6 ~ 1 .0 8× 1 0 - 2 cm/ s之间变化 ,并随着土壤剖面深度的增加呈现出上土层高、中间土层低、底土层又升高的趋势 ;扰动土与原状土的饱和导水率差异较大 ,达到极显著水平 ;土壤容重、孔隙度、有机质含量、粘粒含量和全盐含量等均对土壤饱和导水率有一定的影响。原状土的饱和导水率能反映田间水分运动以及孔隙状况 ,对研究土壤水量平衡和水土保持有重要的意义。扰动土的饱和导水率在农业工程上有参考价值。
The saturated hydraulic conductivities of three main soils in Huang Huai Hai Plain were studied. The results can be described as follows: ① The saturated hydraulic conductivities of the three soils changed from 5.95×10 6 to 1.08×10 2 cm/s, and changed with depth. Higher saturated hydraulic conductivities occurred in top layers and less ones in middle layers in the soil profiles; ② The saturated hydraulic conductivities changed obviously in undisturbed soils and in disturbed soil, and were affected by bulk density, porosity, organic matter content, clay content and saline content. The saturated hydraulic conductivities are good indicators for water movement and size of pores in undisturbed soils, and are useful parameters for studying soil water balance and soil and water conservation.
Irrigation and Drainage
国家重点基础研究发展规划基金项目 (G19990 1180 3 )
中国科学院封丘农业生态站开放基金项目 (A 99110 7)