为探索新生儿接种乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗简便有效的方法 ,证实接种乙肝疫苗后对小儿乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)携带率及乙肝发病率的影响 ,结合孕妇系统管理 ,把新生儿乙肝疫苗接种纳入计划免疫 ,较好地解决了 0、1、6个月 3针乙肝疫苗的衔接工作 ,使新生儿全程接种率 >99%。将 1991~ 1999年奉化市小儿乙肝发病率按每 3年分为初期、中期和近期 3个阶段进行比较 ,1997~ 1999年近期阶段的 1~ 9岁儿童年均乙肝发病率已降至 3 98/10万 ,比初、中期阶段分别下降 91%和 82 3%。
In order to seek for a simple and efficient hepatitis B vaccine inoculating method to newborns to confirm the influence of HB vaccine to HB incidence and HBsAg carrier rate, HB vaccine inoculation of newborns, while combined with systematic managements of pregnant women, is brought into EPI,this has solved the question of how to join HB vaccinees into three steps(birth,one-month old and six-month old)and made whole-course HB vaccination reach over 99%. The incidence of HB in children in Fenghua city from 1991to 1999 was divided into three terms:the initial term(1991~1993),the middle term(1994~1996)and the recent term(1997~1999),then they were compared.It pointed out that HB incidence in childeren(1~9 ages)in recent term had reduced to 3.98/100,000 and it was 91% and 82.30% lower than that in initial and middle terms,respectively.During six years,it averagely lowered 33% per annum than previous year.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization