The clinical effects of acupuncture on idio pathic male infertility in sperm parameter and on therapeutic results in assiste d reproductive technology were investigated. 22 patients failed in intracytoplas mic sperm injection (ICSI) with idiopathic male infertility were treated with ac upuncture twice weekly for 8 weeks, followed by ICSI treatment again. The sperm concentration, motility, morphology, fertilization rates and embryo quality were observed. Quick sperm motility after acupuncture(18.3 %±9.6 %) was significa ntly improved as compared with that before treatment (11.0 %±7.5 %, P <0.01) . The normal sperm ratio was increased after acupuncture (21.1 %±10.4 % vs 16.2 %± 8.2 %, P <0.05). The fertilization rates after acupuncture (66.2 %) were obviously higher than that before treatment (40.2 %, P <0.01). There was no significant difference in sperm concentration and general sperm motility between before and after acupuncture. The embryo quality after acupuncture was improved , but the difference between them was not significant ( P >0.05). Acupuncture can improve sperm quality and fertilization rates in assisted reproductive techn ology.
The clinical effects of acupuncture on idio pathic male infertility in sperm parameter and on therapeutic results in assiste d reproductive technology were investigated. 22 patients failed in intracytoplas mic sperm injection (ICSI) with idiopathic male infertility were treated with ac upuncture twice weekly for 8 weeks, followed by ICSI treatment again. The sperm concentration, motility, morphology, fertilization rates and embryo quality were observed. Quick sperm motility after acupuncture(18.3 %±9.6 %) was significa ntly improved as compared with that before treatment (11.0 %±7.5 %, P <0.01) . The normal sperm ratio was increased after acupuncture (21.1 %±10.4 % vs 16.2 %± 8.2 %, P <0.05). The fertilization rates after acupuncture (66.2 %) were obviously higher than that before treatment (40.2 %, P <0.01). There was no significant difference in sperm concentration and general sperm motility between before and after acupuncture. The embryo quality after acupuncture was improved , but the difference between them was not significant ( P >0.05). Acupuncture can improve sperm quality and fertilization rates in assisted reproductive techn ology.