将灰色系统理论与矢量投影原理相结合 ,提出了区域水体水质比较的灰色关联投影模型 ,并将该模型运用于马鞍山市区域水体的比较。结果表明 ,灰色关联投影模型能在充分利用已有指标信息的基础上 ,较好地反映区域内诸水体水质的相对优劣 。
Grey relation projection model for comparison of local water quality is proposed in the paper. The model integrates grey system theory with the vector projection, and it is applied successfully to the comparison of water quality in Manshan city, Anhui province. The result shows that the model established can reflect the relative state of water quality, on the basis of taking advantage of information of water quality parameter.
Northwest Water Resources & Water Engineering