从温州东方集团的电镀废水及污泥中分离得到真菌 ,并进行纯化 ,共得耐氰菌 19株。其中 7株均能在含CN-为 80 0 /mg·L-1的马丁氏培养基中生长 ,耐受力最强的 12 # 菌能在 2 0 0 0 /mg·L-1CN-浓度中生长 ,经鉴定 12 # 为黑青霉 (Peni cilliumnigricans) ,该菌能以CN-为唯一碳源 ,其最适生长温度为 2 5°C ,最佳pH为 5 .5 ,在最佳条件下 ,12 # 菌在 12h时可将含CN-45 /mg·L-1的废水降解至 0 .5 /mg·L-1以下 ,达到国家一级污水排放标准。
The strains of bacterium were screened and purified from electroplating sludge and wastewater in Wenzhou electroplating factory in this experiment.19 strains were obtained by screening,7strains of those can live in CN - concentration of 800/mg·L -1 .We also found that12 #can live in CN - concentration of 2000/mg·L -1 .It was identified that 12 # was (Penicillium nigricans),the optimum temperature was 25°C,optimum pH value was 5.5.In optimum condition,the CN - concentration was reduced to 0.5/mg·L -1 at initial CN - concentration of 45/mg·L -1 after 12h degradation,meets 1st grade of discharge stand.
Environmental Protection Science
温州市科技发展计划项目 (S2 0 0 0A3 1)
院科研项目 (2 0 0 1Y13 )