目的 分析甲肝病毒基因型,为确定我国甲肝的分子流行病学及疫苗的安全性和免疫原性奠定基础。方法 采用抗原捕获聚合酶链反应(AC/PCR),依据国际上甲肝病毒分型标准,扩增VP1/2A结合处的168个核苦酸(nt2909~3264)。结果 经生物信息学软件分析,得出L-A-1株病毒属于甲肝病毒基因IB亚型。结论 在我国有IA和IB两个亚型甲肝病毒流行。
Objective To analyze the genotype of L - A - 1 strain of hepatitis A(HA) virus and provide a molecular biological basis for the determination of molecular epidemiology of hepatitis A in China as well as the safety and immunogenicity of HA vaccine. Methods The 168 nucleotides at the binding site of VP1/2A were amplified by antigen capture/PCR( AC/PCR) according to the international standard for the genotyping of HA virus. Results L - A - 1 strain was proved to be HA virus subtype IB by analysis using bioinformatical software. Conclusion Both LA and IB subtypes of HA virus are epidemic in China.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals