目的 :比较市售三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与非共聚体牙膏对减少成年人牙菌斑、牙龈炎的效果。方法 :采用双盲、分层、平行的临床研究 ,对 183名健康成年人 (试验组 89人、对照组 94人 )进行了为期 6个月的临床效果评价。按同一标准 (Quigley HeinPlI ,Loe SilnessGI)于试验前、试验后 3月、6月分 3次对受试对象的菌斑与牙龈炎状况进行了检查。试验对象每日使用分配的牙膏和软毛牙刷早晚刷牙各 1次。结果 :三氯羟苯醚共聚体与非共聚体牙膏均能有效地抑制菌斑与牙龈炎。试验 3月、6月 ,菌斑指数试验组与对照组比较差异无显著。牙龈炎指数三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与非共聚体牙膏比较分别降低 13 .46% (P >0 .0 5 ) ,2 5 .86% (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :每天两次使用三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与不含共聚体的牙膏都能显著减少牙菌斑、改善牙龈健康。而含三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏在改善牙龈健康方面更优于不含共聚体的牙膏。
Objective: To compare the efficacy of two commercially available dentifrices (colgate total toothpaste containing triclosan and copolymer was used as the experimental and a toothpaste containing triclosan without copolymer the control) in the control of dental plaque and gingivitis. Methods: A double blind clinical study was conducted in 200 adult male and female subjects from Chengdu, China were entered into the study and stratified into two treatment groups which were balanced for age, sex, baseline of Quigley Hein plaque index scores(PI) and baseline of Loe Silness gingival index scores(GI). Subjects received an oral prophylaxis and were instructed to brush their teeth for one minute twice daily with their assigned dentifrice. Three and six months after application of the dentifrices plaque and gingivitis examinations were conducted. Results: At the end of the study, 183 subjects complied with the protocol and completed the entire six month study. Before use of the dentifrices GI in experimental and control groups was 1.63±0.36 and 1.68±0.34, it was 0.45±0.30 and 0.52±0.33 in 3 months, and 0.43±0.32 and 0.58±0.38 in 6 months( P <0.05), respectively. Before use of the dentifrices PI in experimental and control groups was 3.29±0.29 and 3.33±0.40, it was 2.17±0.43 and 2.18±0.46 in 3 months, and 1.97±0.42 and 2.00±0.48 in 6 months, respectively. Conclusion: Both dentifrices can decrease dental plaque and improve gingival health, a dentifrice containing a combination of triclosan and copolymer is more effective in reducing gingivitis than that containing triclosan alone.
Journal of Practical Stomatology