民族主义的基本前提是民族意识和民族认同 ,这是民族主义研究领域的学者们已经达成的最重要的共识。但是许久以来 ,绝大多数学者只是把它作为一个不证自明的公理性预设 ,认定每一个民族成员对于本民族的同胞和本民族的文化都有一种天然的认同感 ;民族意识觉醒于殖民主义时代 ,其结果表现为民族主义。而很少有人对此进行理论考察。事实上 ,要想厘清民族主义的来龙去脉 ,特别是要想认清民族主义的基本属性 ,就不能回避民族意识和文化认同问题 ,因为它们决定了民族主义的基本特性。本文所要探讨的正是这一重要的理论问题。
That the fundamental preconditions of nationalism lie in national consciousness and national identity is the most important consensus among researchers who study nationalism. Most of them, however, have long taken it as a widely acknowledged truth that need not to be proved. They believe that each member of a nation has a natural sense of identity toward the other members as well as the culture of the same nation, and that national consciousness arose in the times of colonialism and resulted in nationalism. But few did theoretical examinations of them. Actually, we could never understand the context and basic attributes of nationalism very well without clarifying national consciousness and cultural identity, because it is these two elements that determined the nature of nationalism. And the paper just aims at discussing these important theoretical issues.
Journal of World Peoples Studies