1938至 194 2年 ,胡适受国民政府之命 ,任驻美大使 ,开展战时外交。文章介绍了国内时人、驻在国美国政要、敌对国日本、以及学术界学者对胡适使美的不同评价 ,初步揭示了目前研究中存在问题 。
From 1938 to 1942, Hu Shi served as ambassador to the United States for the National Government, beginning his diplomatic career in times of war. This article introduces comments from different sources on Hu Shi's diplomatic career: from his compatriots at home, from the political and diplomatic celebrities of the base country United States, the enemy country Japan, and from the academic circle of his time. To solve the problems in these studies, this article suggests five criteria in this regard.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)