主要研究如何将优化控制理论引入到汽车的电子控制中 ,实现汽车发动机和传动系的最佳匹配 ,以达到充分发挥汽车整体性能的目的 .主要阐述了所应用的优化理论和优化算法、在发动机和传动系最佳匹配的研究中出现的问题 ,以及解决问题的思路和方法 .所编制的计算机模拟程序用曲线图的方法将模拟运行结果显示出来 。
In this paper, the optimized theory is used in the electronic control of the power train in order to improve the performance of the car. Except that, the author explains the optimized theory and the method of using it in writing the computer program.And more over, the author discusses the problems occuring in the object and gives the methods to solve them. The result of the object is expressed by figures and gives out the controlling parameters that are going to be used by executive mechanical device.
Journal of Shandong Institute of Technology