目的 进一步提高对颅内结核瘤的诊断与治疗水平。方法 对7例颅内结核瘤的临床特点、CT和MRI的改变进行回顾性分析。结果 7例中5例全切,2例部分切除,术后给予正规抗结核治疗,全部治愈。结论 对于不能确诊的病例行手术切除或活检可明确诊断,对其治疗应制定正确的方案,避免延误治疗。
Objective To improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of intracranial tuberculoma. Methods The clinical characteristics and the CT and MRI manifestations of intracranial tuberculoma were analysed retrospectively in 7 patients with intracranial tuberculoma. Results Of the 7 patients, 5 received total resection of the lesions and 2 part resection. All the patients were regularly treated by anti-tuberculosis drugs after the operation. All the cases were cured. Conclusions The operation or tissue biopsy is helpful to confirming the diagnosis in the patients in whom the diagnosis of intracranial lesions can't be made. The proper curative programme should be made to avoid delaying treatment in the patients with intracranial tuberculoma.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery