从整个质谱学的历史来看 ,阵列检测器一直用来进行同时和连续的质谱测量研究。利用阵列检测器获取多道数据的好处已为人们所熟知 ,这包括较大的占空因素、借助比值和内标技术改善的精度以及对快信号瞬变过程较好的定量分析。由于有这些好处 ,多种基于阵列检测器的测量仪器得到开发 ,包括光学的和质谱仪。本文描述配备多道电光离子检测器的等离子体源Mattauch Herzog质谱仪改善了的性能。所有的实验均采用一个辉光放电源。过去报道的这台质谱仪的基于阵列检测器的数据在质量方面受到严重的局限 ,谱峰形状和分辨率都极差。本文将介绍与阵列检测器有关的几个性能指数 ,这包括灵敏度、分辨率、谱峰形状以及同位素灵敏度。所有这些性能指数都得到明显的改善。
Throughout the history of mass spectrometry, array detectors have been used to conduct simultaneous and continuous mass-spectrographic studies. The benefits of acquiring multichannel data through the use of an array detector are well known and include greater duty cycle, improved precision through ratioing and internal-standardization techniques, and better quantitative analysis of fast signal transients. Because of these benefits, numerous types of array-detector-based instrumentation have been developed, including optical and mass spectrometers. Presented here is the improved performance of a plasma-source Mattauch-Herzog mass spectrograph fitted with a multichannel electro-optic ion detector. A glow-discharge source is used for all measurements. Previously reported array-detector-based data for this mass spectrograph were severely limited in quality and featured extremely poor peak shapes and resolution. Several figures of merit relevant to array detectors will be presented, including sensitivity, resolution, peak shape, and abundance sensitivity, all of which have been significantly improved. Remaining negative aspects of the array-detector performance include susceptibility to a magnetic field and the absence of uniform sensitivity across the array surface.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis