华夷观是中国封建时代处理与周边政权关系的指导思想 ,是儒家文化自我评价的标准和处理对外关系的原则。作为宗藩体制下的政权 ,朝鲜王朝受华夷观的影响颇深 ,并且在明清两朝 ,随着华夷观的嬗变 ,朝鲜对中华文化的包容 。
Huayi Concept is the instructive thought of disposing of the relationship with the neighboring regimes in the Chinese Feudalism Society. It's the self-evaluating criteria of Confucianism Culture and the principle of dealing with external relations. As a regime of Zhongpan System, Korean Dynasty was deeply affected by Huayi Concept. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the Changing of Huayi Concept, the taking-in of Chinese Culture has also experienced several stages:Admiring-Resisting-Learning.
Dongjiang Journal