目的 :了解和比较水面舰艇和核潜艇长时间航行对艇员幽门螺杆菌 (H P)感染率的影响并初步探讨其相关因素。方法 :1)对象分组 :水面舰艇长航组 67例 ,核潜艇长航组 73例 ,岸勤组 5 2例 (对照组 )。2 ) H P感染的测定 :用1 4 C—呼气试验检测 ,以 DPM值 >2 0 0为界值 ,判定两长航组艇员 H P感染发生率。3 )相关性分析 :用 Wilcoxon等级相关分析判断长航艇员 H P感染与环境社会因素、肠道正常菌群及心理应激各变量之间的相关关系。结果 :1) H P感染情况 :水面舰艇组长航后 ,DPM值为 2 67.13± 48.92 ,H P感染发生率为 47.76% ,与航前 (DPM值 86.95± 2 0 .3 2 ,H P感染率 8.96% )和岸勤组 (DPM值 81.3 5±19.86,H P感染率为 13 .46% )比 ,差异有非常显著性 (P<0 .0 1)。核潜艇组航后 DPM值为 198.3 3±73 .5 1,H P感染率 3 9.73 % ,与航前 (DPM值 73 .2 8± 41.0 3 ,H P感染率 10 .96% )和岸勤组 (DPM值 81.3 5± 2 9.86,H P感染率 13 .46% )比 ,差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。 2 )相关性分析 :环境社会因素中 ,水面舰艇组和核潜艇组 H P感染均与营养条件、文化程度呈非常显著负相关 (P<0 .0 1) ,与活动空间及兵龄呈显著负相关 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,与工作强度呈正相关 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;核潜艇组 H P感染还与专业分工呈?
Objective:To study and compare the influence of long term voyage in naval ship and nuclear powered submarine on the Helicobacter pylori(HP) infection rate of the sailors and explore the correlative factors.Methods:(1)The subjects were divided into three groups:naval ship (67 cases),nuclear powered submarie group(73 cases) and control group (52 cases) (2)HP were detected by 14 C Urea Breath Test( 14 C UBT) and the positive grade was DPM≥200 at 10 min.The primary analysis was practised by WiLcoxon rank correlation analysis on the environmental and social factors,intestinal flora factors and variable of mental stress of the sailors.Results:(1)The condition of HP infection rate:DPM and the HP infection rate in navla ship group after voyage were 267 13±48 92 and 47 76% respectively,much higher than those before voyage and control( P <0 01);DPM and the HP infection rate in submarine group after voyage were 198 33±73 51 and 39 73% respectively,higher than those before voyage and control( P <0 05) (2)Correlation analysis:In the environmental and social factors,HP infection rate of the two long term voyage groups has much noticeble negative correlation with nutriture and educated degree( P <0 01),also remarkble negative correlation with activing space and serving time( P <0 05),otherwise has markble positive correlation with working intensity( P <0 05);furthermore,HP infection rate of submarine group has positive correlation with specialized proffession of the sailors.In the intestinal flora factors,HP infection rate of the two groups has much noticeble negative correlation with the guantity of Bifidobacteria and Laclobacillus( P <0 01).Besides,the rate of naval ship group has markable positive correlation with enterobacillus ( P <0 01)but negative correlation with Fusobacterium( P <0 05),and the rate of submarine group has positive correlation with enterbacillus and Fusobacterium but negative correlation with enterococcus( P <0 05) In variable of mental stress,H
Chinese Journal of Microecology