MWDSS(MeasurementWhileDrillingSurfaceSystem)是自行研制的基于Windows 9x环境下的随钻测量系统。此系统从技术上克服了Windows的设备无关性给应用系统实施数据采集与设备监控带来的许多困难 ,采用虚拟设备驱动程序技术和中断处理技术以及其它的软件设计技术 ,保证了系统的实时性需要。MWDSS软件系统分为底层和上层两大部分。底层是运行在Windows 9xRing0层的采集卡设备驱动程序 ,承担数据采集和中断处理任务 ;上层是运行在Ring3层的应用系统 ,完成数据传送、监控、处理、图表绘制、记录等主要任务 ;二者之间的相互通讯通过WindowsAPI接口和发送消息的方法实现。
MWDSS (Measurement While Drilling Surface System) presented in this article is developed based on Windows 9x.By adopting simulated device driver,interrupt and other software design techniques, this system has overcome difficulties in data collecting and equipment monitoring due to the system irrelevance to Windows and has satisfied the system′s real-time data processing need. The system consists of two parts. The base part which runs in the Windows 9x Ring0,is the drive program of the data-collecting equipment and used for data collection and interruption. The upper part which runs in Ring3,is a practical system for data delivery,monitoring, processing, graph making and recording. The mutual communication between the two parts is completed via Windows API interface and by means of information sending. All its performance is in accordance with those of the imported products, and some even have advantages over the imported ones.
Well Logging Technology