目的 验证恶性肿瘤所致腹水中癌胚抗原信使核糖核酸 (CEA mRNA)诊断价值。方法 选择恶性肿瘤所致腹水 3 8例 ,非恶性肿瘤病人腹水 3 2例 ,均经组织病理学或脱落细胞学确诊或除外恶性肿瘤。以RT NP PCR检测CEA mRNA ,ELISA检测CEA抗原。结果 恶性肿瘤所致腹水和非恶性肿瘤腹水CEA阳性率分别为 5 2 .6% ( 2 0 3 8)和 6.2 % ( 2 3 2 ) ;CEA mRNA阳性率分别为 78.9% ( 3 0 3 8)和 9.4%( 3 3 2 )。CEA和CEA mRNA诊断恶性肿瘤所致腹水的特异性分别为 93 .8%和 90 .6% ;敏感性分别为 5 2 .6%和 78.9%。结论 CEA和CEA mRNA诊断恶性肿瘤所致腹水的特异性均较高 ,其中CEA mRNA的敏感性显著性高于CEA(P <0 .0 1) 。
Objective To determine the clinical value of the detection of carcinoembryonic antigen mRNA (CEA mRNA)in the ascites for the diagnosis of malignant carcinoma.Methods 38 ascites patients with malignant carcinoma and 32 ascites patients without malignant carcinoma were selected for the study.All of them were diagnosed or excluded for malignant carcinoma by pathology or exfoliative cytology.The reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(RE PCR)was used to detect CEA mRNA and the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to detect CEA.Results The positive results of CEA in the ascites patients with malignant carcinoma and the patients without malignant carcinoma were 52.6%(20/38) and 6.2%(2/32) respectively.The positive results of CEA mRNA were 78.9%(30/38) and 9.4%(3/32) respectively.The speciticity of CEA and CEA mRNA for the diagnosis of ascites patients with malignant carcinoma was 93.8% and 90.6% respectively.The sensitivity was 52.6% and 78.9% respectively.Conclusion CEA and CEA mRNA are useful index for laboratory diagnosis of ascites patients with malignant carcinoma.The sensitivity of CEA mRNA is even higher than that of CEA (P<0.01).
Hebei Medical Journal